George W. Bush military service controversy

George W. Bush's National Guard service was an issue in the 2000 presidential campaign and in the 2004 presidential campaign. A controversy centered on questions of how George W. Bush, who later became the 43rd President of the United States, came to be a member of the Texas Air National Guard, why he lost his flight status, and whether he fulfilled the requirements of his military service contract during the Vietnam War.



George W. Bush joined the 147th Fighter Interceptor Group of the Texas Air National Guard on May 27, 1968, during the Vietnam War. He committed to serve until May 26, 1974, with two years on active duty while training to fly and four years on part-time duty.[1] In his 1968 Statement of Intent (undated), he wrote, "I have applied for pilot training with the goal of making flying a lifetime pursuit and I believe I can best accomplish this to my own satisfaction by serving as a member of the Air National Guard as long as possible." In November Bush began flight training at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. In December 1969, he began further training on the F-102 in Houston at the 147th's Combat Crew Training School, soloing in March 1970 and graduating in June, fulfilling his active-duty commitment.[1] He performed Guard duty as an F-102 pilot through April 1972, logging a total of 336 flight hours[2] and was promoted once during his service, to First Lieutenant.[3]

In November 1970, Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian, commander of the 111th Fighter Squadron, recommended that Bush be promoted to First Lieutenant, calling him "a dynamic outstanding young officer" who stood out as "a top notch fighter interceptor pilot." He said that "Lt. Bush's skills far exceed his contemporaries," and that "he is a natural leader whom his contemporaries look to for leadership. Lt. Bush is also a good follower with outstanding disciplinary traits and an impeccable military bearing."[4]

Air National Guard members could volunteer for active duty service with the Air Force in a program called Palace Alert, which deployed F-102 pilots to Europe and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam and Thailand. According to three pilots from Bush's squadron, Bush inquired about this program but was advised by the base commander that he did not have the necessary experience (500 hours) at the time and that the F-102 would soon be retired.[1][5]

Bush's four-year part-time obligation to serve required him to maintain his immediate readiness to be recalled to active duty in the event of a national emergency. Bush's military records indicate that until May 1972 he fulfilled that obligation. After that, Bush may have failed to meet the attendance requirements established for members of the Air National Guard, and the Air Force requirement for an annual physical examination for pilots.[6]

Acceptance into the National Guard

It has been said, during the 1968–1974 period, Presidents Johnson and Nixon decided against calling up National Guard units for service in Vietnam. However, military documents show during the Vietnam War, almost 23,000 Army and Air Guardsmen were called up for a year of active duty; some 8,700 were deployed to Vietnam.[7] In 1999, Democratic Ben Barnes, former Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives and Lieutenant Governor of Texas, gave testimony in a deposition for a lawsuit related to the Texas lottery; and following the deposition, his lawyer issued a statement to the press. According to the statement, Barnes had called the head of the Texas Air National Guard, Brigadier General James Rose, to recommend Bush for a pilot spot at the request of Bush family friend Sidney Adger. Both Rose and Adger were deceased at the time of the deposition and press release. The statement also said, "Neither Congressman Bush nor any other member of the Bush family asked Barnes' help. Barnes has no knowledge that Governor Bush or President Bush knew of Barnes' recommendation."[8] While working as an active fundraiser for John Kerry, Bush's opponent during the 2004 U.S. Presidential campaign,[9] Democrat Barnes repeated that he used his political influence to preferentially refer people to the National Guard, including Bush.[10]

Both George W. Bush and his father have stated that they did not ask Adger to intercede and were unaware of any action he may have taken. Walter Staudt, the colonel in command of Bush's squadron, has stated that he accepted Bush's application without receiving any outside pressure to do so.[11]

Flight performance and flight status in 1972 and 1973

Final flights

Flight logs released in September 2004 in response to a lawsuit (see below) showed that Bush, who had been flying solo in the F-102A Delta Dagger, an interceptor, for most of his career, flew nine times in T-33 trainers in February and March 1972 — nearly twice as many times as he had flown in T-33s in the prior 18 months.[12] He also used a flight simulator, and was heavily focused on flying by instruments.[13] The logs also show that on March 12 and April 10 of 1972, Bush took two passes to land the F102 fighter.[14] Although White House officials could not explain the changes in the flight logs in these final flights, Air Force experts explained there could be several explanations for these changes and attempts to come to any conclusion would be speculation.[12]

The final two entries of Bush's official flight logs show him being assigned to work as an instructional pilot in late May 1972 at a Texas Air National Guard base, although he had left for Alabama in mid-May (see next section) and his pay records show he was not paid for any work on the two dates of the instructional pilot assignment. Coding on the logs showed these assignments were subsequently deleted from the official record.[12]

Flight physical

By regulation, National Guard pilots were required to take and pass an annual physical in order to remain in flight status, in the three months prior to a pilot's birthday (in Bush's case, July 6). Bush did not take this mandatory physical examination in mid-1972, thus ending his pilot's career. He did not fly after April 15, 1972.

As a result of his failure to take his physical, his flight status was suspended by his commander on August 1, 1972, confirmed by Col Bobby Hodges on September 5, 1972 and confirmed again by a National Guard Bureau order on September 29, 1972, which meant he no longer was authorized to fly as a pilot.[15][16][17]

Although he had taken the physical twice previously by flight surgeons, Bush says that he wanted to wait to take the physical until it could be done by his own private doctor. Regulations require that the physical be performed by an Air Force doctor.[18] Air Force Flight Surgeons were assigned to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, where Bush purportedly drilled in October and November 1972 and in January 1973. There is no record of his attendance in the 187th Alabama ANG. The Alabama unit’s commanders say they never saw Bush or any paperwork showing he performed drills there. However a January 1973 document references a dental exam that Bush received at the Alabama base.[19]

There is no record of a physical being taken in either 1972 or in 1973, the last two years in which Bush attended drills. According to his released military records, Bush never flew again as a National Guard pilot after April 1972, and was suspended from flying on August 1, 1972.[20]

Drill attendance in 1972 and 1973

During 2004, various people, including Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, accused Bush of being absent without leave (AWOL) from the National Guard in 1972–73.[21]

White House communications director Dan Bartlett and others, who called the charge election-year propaganda rebutted the charges by noting that Bush was honorably discharged[3] and that there was no AWOL charge against him.

Released military records show that Bush's documented service record through mid-April 1972 (Bush drilled on the 15th and 16th) is without gaps. On May 24, 1972, Bush submitted a form requesting a transfer to the 9921st Air Reserve Squadron in Montgomery, Alabama. The squadron was under the command of Lt. Colonel Reese R. Bricken. Based on his application, he was already in Alabama at work on the Senate campaign of Winton M. Blount, who was a friend of his father. Jimmy Allison was a longtime family friend who helped him get the campaign work.[22]

Irregularities in Bush’s transfer request

On May 26, Bricken, (commander of the 9921st), approved Bush’s application for transfer. Bricken wrote: “You already understand that this is a Training Category G, Pay Group None, Reserve Section MM proposition.” As an obligated Reservist, Bush was in “Training Category A,” which required the 48 periods of inactive duty training, and 15 days of active duty training, and was required to remain in that Training Category. Training Category “G” offered no training at all. According to Air Force regulations (AFM 35-3, paragraph 14-6), being in "Training Category A" meant that "If a member...will be unable to further train with his unit because of an impending change of residence,...he is required to sign a statement that he has been counseled." That counseling included notifying Bush of his obligation to find a new unit with which he could fulfill his training obligations. [23]

Transfer request is rejected and subsequent performance

Throughout this period, Bush remained obligated to train with his Texas unit, or perform substitute training each month. Bush’s records show that he is credited with no training during these months.[24] Colonel Bricken is on record as stating that Bush made no effort to participate as a Guardsman with the 9921st.[25]

More than a month after the ARPC rejected Bush's transfer request, on September 5, 1972, Bush requested permission to "perform equivalent duty" at the 187th Tactical Recon Group in Alabama "for the months of September, October, and November." He quickly received approval to do so, and was told to report to Lt. Col. William Turnipseed, the base commander, for drills on October 7 and 8, and November 4 and 5 (the September drill dates of the unit had already passed). Bush's grandfather, former U.S. Senator Prescott Bush, died of cancer on October 8, and Bush served as a pallbearer at the funeral in Greenwich, Connecticut. Turnipseed has said that he could not recall whether Bush reported on those occasions.[26]

In 2004 John "Bill" Calhoun, a former Alabama Air National Guard officer who had served at the Dannelly Air National Guard Base in Montgomery, home of the 187th, claimed he had seen Bush report for duty "at least six times" between May and October 1972, and that Bush had in fact spent time in his office.[27] However, the payment and retirement records the White House handed out three days prior to Calhoun's claims show that Bush received no pay or attendance credits from April until the end of October 1972.[28]

A column in the Birmingham News (Alabama) elicited memories from people who remembered Bush when he was in Alabama, working for the Blount campaign: "None have specific recollections about Bush and the National Guard. Some heard he was serving but never saw for themselves." Opinions of him during this time ranged from good (amiable, well liked, and fond of sports) to bad (bragging about drinking and allegations he trashed a cottage where he was living).[29] Winton Blount's son Tom said "He was an attractive person, kind of a 'frat boy.' I didn't like him."[30]

Released records show that Bush was paid for service for the days of January 4–6 and 8–10, 1973, and that he received a dental examination at Dannelly in Alabama on January 6.[31]

Between 1972 and 1973, Bush dated Mavanee Bear, another member of Blount's campaign staff. Bear stated "I know he served" because he had to regularly reschedule meetings, but also stated "I didn't see him in uniform." When later back in Texas, she frequently saw him in uniform, stating "I think he was mostly just flying in circles over Houston."[32]

Back in Houston, in late 1972 or early 1973, Bush did unpaid volunteer work for a number of months with an inner-city poverty program, Project P.U.L.L. (Professional United Leadership League) the brainchild of John White, a former professional football player and civic leader.[33] The April service presumably occurred at his home base, Ellington Air Force Base, in Houston. However there is nothing in the released documents showing that he actually reported on those days, or where, or what duties he performed.[18]

In a document dated May 2, 1973, Bush's immediate superiors gave him his annual performance review for the period from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973. The review stated that "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of the report." Lt. Col. William D. Harris Jr. and Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian also wrote, "A civilian occupation made it necessary for him to move to Montgomery, Ala. He cleared this base on May 15, 1972 and has been performing equivalent training in a non-flying status with the 187 Tac Recon Gp. Dannelly ANG Base, Alabama."

For May 1973, Bush was paid for service on 1–3, 8–11, 19–20, 22–24, and 29–May 31. For June, he was paid for 5 days; for July (his last month of drilling) for 19 days. As of the end of July, 1973, he had been in the National Guard for a little over five years.

Lawrence Korb, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for President Ronald Reagan, has reviewed the payroll records for Bush's last two years of service, and concluded that they indicate that Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result.[34]

Six-year service obligation

On May 27, 1968, Bush signed a six year obligation to complete "48 scheduled inactive-duty training periods" each fiscal year (typically consisting of four four-hour periods during one weekend each month), plus a minimum of 15 days of Annual Active Duty Training. For Bush, as a pilot, this was typically split into periods of duty of a few days each during the year.

The Boston Globe reports that "Bush fell well short of meeting his military obligation", citing examples of Bush failing to meet Air National Guard commitments in 1972 and 1973.[35] However, release of military records shows that Bush was credited for attending Air National Guard drills during 1972 and 1973.[36]

Early release from military obligations

On July 30, 1973, his last day of paid service in the Texas National Guard, Bush signed a statement that "I have been counseled this date regarding my plans to leave my present Reserve of [sic] assignment due to moving from this area. I understand that: a. If I disassociate from my current Ready Reserve Assignment, it is my responsibility to locate and be assigned to another Reserve Forces unit or mobilization augmentation position. If I fail to do so, I am subject to involuntary order to active duty for up to 24 months under the provisions of AFM 35-3, chapter 14."[37]

On September 5, 1973, Bush requested discharge from service, to be effective on October 1. He wrote, "I am moving to Boston, Massachusetts to attend Harvard Business School as a full time student."[38] Jerry Killian recommended approval of the discharge the following day. Bush had completed five years, four months, and five days toward his six-year service obligation.

On October 1, 1973, Bush was honorably discharged from the Texas Air National Guard and transferred to the inactive reserves in Denver, Colorado. He was discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974 thus completing his service to the guard.

Release of military records

During the 2000 presidential campaign, various military records of Bush were made public by the Bush campaign.

On February 13, 2004, more than 700 additional pages of documents on Bush's service were released, including those from the National Personnel Records Center, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. This release is claimed by some to contradict the February 8, 2004, statement by Bush to Meet the Press interviewer Tim Russert that "We did [authorize the release of everything] in 2000, by the way." In response, Bush contended that he was referring only to documents already in his possession, as opposed to the newly released documents from military sources.

On June 22, 2004, The Associated Press sued the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Air Force, seeking access to all of Bush's records during his military service.

On July 8, 2004, the Pentagon reported that the microfilmed payroll records of Bush and numerous other service members had been inadvertently ruined in 1996 and 1997 by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service during a project to salvage deteriorating microfilm. The records lost included those covering July through September 1972, when Bush's claims of service in Alabama are in question, and the Pentagon reported that no paper backups could be found. CBS News military analyst Mitch Mitchell said there is no uniform or standard filing form and that most observers agree that National Guard records from that period are a mess.[18]

On July 23, 2004, the Pentagon reported that the records it had previously reported destroyed had been found. A Pentagon official said the earlier statement that the records were destroyed was an "inadvertent oversight." The Pentagon released computerized payroll records covering Bush's 1972 service. Like the records released earlier by the White House, the newly released documents did not indicate that Bush performed any drills, in Alabama or elsewhere, during July through September 1972.

On September 7, 2004, the White House released the flight logs recording the flights done by Bush as a pilot. A Pentagon spokeswoman said the logs were found at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, which is the central repository for veterans' records. She said the logs were found among a batch of records sent to St. Louis from Norton Air Force Base in 1993, which were originally thought to contain records of active-duty officers rather than of National Guardsmen such as Bush.

On September 24, 2004, under court order resulting from an earlier FOIA lawsuit filed by the Associated Press, the Pentagon releases more documents.[39]

On September 29, 2004, the White House released a November 1974 document, saying it had been in Bush's personnel file and that it had been found by the Pentagon.

On October 5, 2004, more than a week after a court-imposed deadline to turn over all records of Bush's military service, the Texas Air National Guard produced two previously unreleased documents (four pages of records) that include Bush's orders for his last day of active duty in 1973.

On October 14, 2004, two weeks after Texas National Guard officials signed an oath swearing they had turned over all records, the Texas National Guard released 31 additional pages of documents found by two retired Army lawyers who went through Guard files under an agreement between the Texas National Guard and The Associated Press, which sued to gain access to the files. A Guard spokesman defended the continuing discoveries, saying Guard officials didn’t find all of Bush’s records because they are disorganized and in poor shape. "These boxes are full of dirt and rat (excrement) and dead bugs. They have never been sitting in an uncontrolled climate," said Lt. Col. John Stanford. "It’s a tough task to go through archives that were not set up in a way that you could easily go through them."[19]

Memos allegedly from Jerry Killian

The Killian documents were initially claimed by CBS to have come from the "personal files" of the late Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian, Bush's squadron commander during Bush's Air National Guard service.[40] They describe preferential treatment during Bush's service, including pressure on Killian to "sugar coat" an annual officer rating report for the then 1st Lt. Bush. CBS aired the story amid more releases of Bush's official records by the Department of Defense, including one just the day before as the result of a FOIA lawsuit by the Associated Press.[41] The Killian documents were alleged to be fakes, starting with a Free Republic web posting by Harry MacDougald, a conservative Republican lawyer posting under the blogger name, "Buckhead." MacDougald and multiple fellow bloggers pointed out that the formatting shown in the documents used proportional fonts that did not come into common use until the mid-to-late 1990s and alleged that the documents were therefore likely forgeries.[42][43]

The forgery allegations subsequently came to the attention of the mainstream media, especially after experts also questioned the documents' authenticity and lack of a chain of custody.[44][45][46] The original documents have never been submitted for authentication. The man who delivered the copies, Lt. Col. Bill Burkett, a former officer in the Texas Army National Guard and outspoken Bush critic, claimed that he burned the originals. Burkett admitted lying to CBS and USA Today about where he had obtained the papers and eventually expressed doubts of his own about their authenticity.[47]

CBS and Dan Rather initially defended the documents and the report,[48] but on September 20, 2004 - less than two months before Election Day, CBS News stated that it had been "misled" and that it could not authenticate the documents and should not have used them.[49] CBS then formed an independent panel headed by former U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and retired Associated Press president Louis D. Boccardi to investigate the story and the handling of the Killian memos.[50] The final report of the panel, while not addressing the authenticity of the documents, faulted many of the decisions made in developing the story, and producer Mary Mapes along with three others were forced to resign from CBS News.[51] Prior to the panel report being completed, Rather announced the date of his retirement,[52] left "60 Minutes Wednesday", stepped down as anchor on March 9, 2006, and then left CBS altogether on June 20, 2006.[53] The CBS news show that had aired the memos, "60 Minutes Wednesday" was canceled on May 18, 2005, allegedly due to poor ratings and not because of the memos broadcast.[54] In September 2007, Rather sued CBS and its former parent company, Viacom, for US$70 million, claiming that he had been made a "scapegoat" over the memos story.[55]


  1. ^ a b c Lardner, George Jr. and Lois Romano. "At Height of Vietnam, Bush Picks Guard" Washington Post, July 28, 1999.
  2. ^ By (2004-09-07). "Inside Politics". Washington Times. Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  3. ^ a b USA Today. Retrieved May 3, 2010. 
  4. ^ Stevenson, Richard W. (February 14, 2004). "Files Offer Glimpse of Bush After College". The New York Times. Retrieved May 3, 2010. 
  5. ^ Stone, Isaac. "War Stories - Newsweek Campaign 2004 -". MSNBC. Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  6. ^ "Democratic Group's Ad Revives "AWOL" Allegation Against Bush". Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  7. ^
  8. ^ Holmes, Michael (September 27, 1999). "Man Says He OK'd Bush for Guard". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 3, 2010. 
  9. ^ Kerry Keeping Eye On Big Donors
  10. ^ "New Questions On Bush Guard Duty". CBS News. September 8, 2004. Retrieved 19 November 2009. 
  11. ^ "Guard Officer Denies Seeking Help for Bush". ABC News. September 17, 2004. Retrieved March 27, 2011. 
  12. ^ a b c "Experts Examine Bush Pilot Logs", Associated Press, September 10, 2004.
  13. ^ "Bush flew in training planes before losing pilot privileges", Associated Press, September 11, 2004.
  14. ^ Eastman, Susan Cooper (September 23, 2004). "Fear of Flying". WJWB. Archived from the original on August 25, 2005.!frontpage. 
  15. ^ Yost, Pete (September 30, 2004). "Bush's Guard record clean, White House says". Deseret News. Associated Press. Archived from the original on March 27, 2011. Retrieved March 27, 2011. 
  16. ^ "White House defends Bush service in Guard". Arizona Daily Star. February 12, 2004. Archived from the original on December 7, 2005. 
  17. ^ Riechmann, Deb (February 11, 2004). "White House Releases '73 Bush Dental Exam". The Washington Post. Associated Press. Retrieved March 27, 2011. 
  18. ^ a b c Gaps Remain In Bush Guard Service, CBS News Investigation Finds Holes In Bush Military Record
  19. ^ a b 5:56 p.m. ET (2004-10-15). "More Bush service documents found - Politics -". MSNBC. Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  20. ^ "President George W. Bush" (FindLaw)
  21. ^ "Bush in the National Guard: A Primer" — September 20, 2004
  22. ^ Elizabeth, Mary (2004-09-02). "George W. Bush's missing year". Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  23. ^ "President George W. Bush's Military Service: A Critical Analysis", Ret. Col. Lechlighter
  24. ^ Robinson, Walter V. (February 10, 2004). "Bush credited for Guard drills". The Boston Globe. Archived from the original on December 6, 2006. 
  25. ^ Robinson, Walter V. (May 23, 2000). "1-year gap in Bush's Guard duty". The Boston Globe. Archived from the original on June 21, 2000. 
  26. ^ Romano, Lois (February 3, 2004). "Bush's Guard Service In Question". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 3, 2010. 
  27. ^ "Former Guardsman: Bush served with me in Alabama". USA Today. February 13, 2004. Retrieved May 3, 2010. 
  28. ^ "W's AWOL Spin Update!". Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  29. ^ Blackledge, Brett J.. "Bush Remembered From Social Contacts". The Birmingham News. Archived from the original on March 3, 2006. 
  30. ^ "Dubya in 'Bama: 'God's Gift to Women'". Village Voice. February 11, 2004.,mondo1,50942,6.html. Retrieved July 10, 2007. 
  31. ^ "What Bush's Guard File Reveals". The Nation. February 19, 2004. Retrieved July 10, 2006. 
  32. ^ Mayer, Jane (2009-01-07). "Old Flames: The Guard Years". The New Yorker. Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  33. ^ McClatchy Washington Bureau | Homepage
  34. ^ Roane, Kit R.. "Bush's military service in question - again (9/8/04)". Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  35. ^ "Bush fell short on duty at Guard". The Boston Globe. September 8, 2004. Retrieved 16 May 2011. 
  36. ^ Robinson, Walter V.. "Bush credited for Guard drills". The Boston Globe. 
  37. ^ September 8, 2004 (2004-09-08). "Bush fell short on duty at Guard - The Boston Globe". Retrieved 2010-05-24. 
  38. ^ "George W. Bush's letter of request for discharge for the Texas Air National Guard". September 5, 1973. Retrieved June 15, 2006. 
  39. ^ "Judge orders all Bush records released". Retrieved October 4, 2007. 
  40. ^ "New Questions On Bush Guard Duty". CBS News. September 8, 2004. Retrieved October 3, 2007. 
  41. ^ "AP Sues for Bush Guard Records". Retrieved October 3, 2007. 
  42. ^ ""Buckhead," who said CBS memos were forged, is a GOP-linked attorney". The Seattle Times. March 18, 2002. Retrieved October 3, 2007. 
  43. ^ Kurtz, Howard (September 19, 2004). "After Blogs Got Hits, CBS Got a Black Eye". The Washington Post. Retrieved October 3, 2007. 
  44. ^ The Paper Trail: A Comparison of Documents Washington Post, September 18, 2004
  45. ^ Kurtz, Howard Document Experts Say CBS Ignored Memo 'Red Flags' Washington Post, (September 14, 2004) Accessed April 30, 2006.
  46. ^ Making Headlines, Not Setting Them
  47. ^ USA Today, September 21, 2004.
  48. ^ "CBS Stands By Bush-Guard Memos". CBS News. September 11, 2004. Retrieved October 3, 2007. 
  49. ^ "CBS: Bush Memo Story A 'Mistake'". CBS News. September 21, 2004. Retrieved October 3, 2007. 
  50. ^ "CBS Names Memo Probe Panel". CBS News. September 6, 2004. Retrieved October 3, 2007. 
  51. ^ "CBS Ousts 4 For Bush Guard Story". CBS News. October 4, 2007. Retrieved October 4, 2007. 
  52. ^ Kurtz, Howard (November 23, 2004). "Dan Rather to Step Down at CBS". The Washington Post. Retrieved October 4, 2007. 
  53. ^ "Dan Rather Signs Off". CBS News. June 19, 2006. Retrieved October 4, 2007. 
  54. ^ "'60 Minutes' Wednesday Canceled". CBS News. May 18, 2005. Retrieved October 4, 2007. 
  55. ^ Maull, Samuel (September 20, 2007). "Rather sues CBS for $70 million, saying he was made a scapegoat". The Boston Globe. Retrieved October 4, 2007. 

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